jerseystepup 10:33 PM 11-06-2009
Welll the weekends finally hear... i've been waiting for saturday for 6 days now!
:-) Whats everyone going to smoke tomorow?
im going to have a partagas corona senior with my morning coffee.. a woam during the day... and towards the end of the day a tat brown unicos... what about you??
wavescrashing 10:50 PM 11-06-2009
man, i NEVER plan that far, lol. Buuuut.... I know I'll be having a Trini Reyes with my coffee early tomorrow morning.
68TriShield 07:47 AM 11-07-2009
A Partagas Short with my coffee.
ucla695 08:56 AM 11-07-2009
Originally Posted by wavescrashing:
man, i NEVER plan that far, lol. Buuuut.... I know I'll be having a Trini Reyes with my coffee early tomorrow morning.
That's what I'm having for breakfast too!
cant smoke today. mabe a pl tomorrow morning
poriggity 10:50 AM 11-07-2009
I don't usually smoke on the weekends, as there just isn't much time. Today, for some reason, I woke up early.. Like 2 hours early. So I got ready for work, and headed down with a Padilla Habano in hand.
:-) Just got done smoking it, and have 10 minutes till I have to open up for work. That was a great morning cigar!
since I don't always get to smoke Monday through Thursday, the weekend is cigar time for me. so I share your excitement brother! Last night I smoked my first Tat Cojonu, an '09, and I'm about to head to the shop to pick up 2 more. That was the best NC I've ever had. hands down, no question.
I'm no CC snob by any means, but I never thought Nicaraguan tobacco could come close to the richness and complexity of a good Cuban. Last night's Tat completely changed my opinion. I got leather, twang, chocolate, perfume, spice, you name it. The flavor changed on dime too, which is something I had never experienced in a NC. twang and leather in the first inch, then it was completely gone. sweet chocolate in the middle, then a combination of the two in the final 3rd.
Usually I try to smoke a variety of cigars over the weekends, but tonight I think I may smoke another Cojonu and do a full review with pics. just to make sure my opinion wasn't influenced by post work week excitement.
I only wish the weekend wasn't full of such tough decisions...
:-) today's pickups.
neoflex 01:47 PM 11-07-2009
I usually open up the cabinet and pick up whatever looks good at the moment but if the opportunity today presents itself to sit with a smoke I may grab either the East or West coast that has been staring me down the last couple times I went into the cab and taunting me to put them to their fiery death!
The Poet 01:56 PM 11-07-2009
I don't know what yet, but I guaran-dam-tee ya I'll smoke something special tomorrow. Not only is the weather supposed to be nice, I also have 3 things to celebrate: the Yankees won the WS, college hoops kicks off for me Monday, and - uh, what else? - oh, yeah, it's my stinkin' birthday!
roughrider 01:59 PM 11-07-2009
DPG Serie JJ is calling my name.
Blindjimme 02:00 PM 11-07-2009
This morning I had a Cubao #3 / Lancero with my coffee. Man are these things a powerhouse. Big flavor right off the bat, warm notes of cocoa, spice and tobacco. Flavors build to the very end and leaves your head spinning. Highly recommended.
Bubba - NJ 08:18 PM 11-07-2009
Originally Posted by poriggity:
I don't usually smoke on the weekends, as there just isn't much time. Today, for some reason, I woke up early.. Like 2 hours early. So I got ready for work, and headed down with a Padilla Habano in hand. :-) Just got done smoking it, and have 10 minutes till I have to open up for work. That was a great morning cigar!
I had one this afternoon after cleaning up the yard . One of my favorite NC's and I never would have tried them based on the name . Was gifted the first one and then bought a 5 pack from a B & M and now have 2 boxes plus . Love the Padilla Habano Toro .
Santesyu 08:29 PM 11-07-2009
Originally Posted by Blindjimme:
This morning I had a Cubao #3 / Lancero with my coffee. Man are these things a powerhouse. Big flavor right off the bat, warm notes of cocoa, spice and tobacco. Flavors build to the very end and leaves your head spinning. Highly recommended.
thx for the recommendation gotta look into it..
cabinets 08:39 PM 11-07-2009
This morning a Boli Petit Corona, and tonight a JC Newman El Baton robusto.
acarr 09:22 PM 11-07-2009
I never plan far ahead so what I will have tonight will depend what I pull out of the humi here in about 2 minutes. Although, I am craving some Litto Gomez and don't have any
Chemyst 12:52 PM 11-08-2009
I'm splitting a box of Oliva V lanceros with a
couple of BOTLs tonight. So I'll probably have
one during the 1st half of the Eagles' game.
Not sure what I'll select for the second half of
the game. Maybe something at the high end,
or something tasty at the more affordable end.
Perhaps that AB Tempus that's been catching
my eye. Haven't tried one yet. Or maybe a
DPG Serie JJ maddie... can't go wrong there.
Who knows?
poriggity 03:20 PM 11-08-2009
Originally Posted by Bubba - NJ:
I had one this afternoon after cleaning up the yard . One of my favorite NC's and I never would have tried them based on the name . Was gifted the first one and then bought a 5 pack from a B & M and now have 2 boxes plus . Love the Padilla Habano Toro . :-)
Thats what I have. I bought 4 5 packs of them on the daily deal for $43.00 or so... A little more than $2/stick and they are GOOOD! In fact, I think I will search for a box just to have.