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General Discussion>Today's Thought 11/6
Steve 07:25 AM 11-06-2009
Always put off procrastinating as long as you can.
RightAJ 07:38 AM 11-06-2009
Originally Posted by steve:
Always put off procrastinating as long as you can.

If you were truely a procrastinator this post would have never happened because you'd have been too busy putting it off till later :-)

str8edg 07:51 AM 11-06-2009
Ya, I was going to post this yesterday! :-)
G G 07:52 AM 11-06-2009
Always worked for me.:-)
Skywalker 08:30 AM 11-06-2009
I'm still gathering my thoughts on this... I'll post them later!!!:-)
cbsmokin 02:14 PM 11-06-2009
. . .
kydsid 02:40 PM 11-06-2009
Had a reply ready to post this morning but I put it off and now I've forgotten. Maybe tomorrow.
Sauer Grapes 03:03 PM 11-06-2009
Originally Posted by str8edg:
Ya, I was going to post this yesterday! :-)
I was going to say the title should have been Today's Thought, 11/6/08
JE3146 03:17 PM 11-06-2009
That's a daily thought for me :-)