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General Discussion>Got Dracs!!!
Smokin Gator 01:38 PM 10-31-2009
I was the last ticket pulled, but I got a box of Dracs from Serious Cigar's drawing!!! I'm stoked!!!
timo 01:55 PM 10-31-2009
mariogolbee 02:18 PM 10-31-2009
Originally Posted by Smokin Gator:
I was the last ticket pulled, but I got a box of Dracs from Serious Cigar's drawing!!! I'm stoked!!!
Right on Brent!:-) I just rubbed a little 1 lb tri-tip.:-)
s15driftking 02:18 PM 10-31-2009
One more drac thread baby!!!!!
catfish2 10:16 PM 10-31-2009
Congrats dude.
fissure 10:17 PM 10-31-2009
Congrats Brent. Didn't even try here, wasn't worth it.......I hope:-)
kelmac07 10:34 PM 10-31-2009
Congrats Brent!! :-)
MedicCook 10:38 PM 10-31-2009
Congrats Brent. :-)
colimo 11:50 PM 11-06-2009
got a few is the journey:
DPD6030 02:11 AM 11-07-2009
AYFKM (Are You F'ing Kidding Me!) :-) Nice pickup Brent.