e-man67 07:14 AM 10-29-2009
I got to see the Misfits Tuesday night which was great! It was like a time warp back to my younger days. I even got in the pit with my 40 year old brother in law (it was a riot, much beer involved). My ears were ringing all day yesterday and my muscles ached. For those of you that haven't heard of the Misfits you have probably heard of Metallica (unless you live under a rock)....The Misfits were the original band to sing "Die Die Die My Darling" and "Green Hell" that later became radio hits when Metallica covered them. He is a photo of the show (albeit from a poor camera phone). Cool to see them just before Halloween!
elderboy02 07:19 AM 10-29-2009
I'll have to youtube them. I have heard of the band, but haven't heard their music.
Darrell 10:32 AM 10-29-2009
I am a HUGE Misfits fan. I even have a Crimson Ghost tattoo.
The Misfits came and played the club I worked at when I was moonlighting as a Bouncer. I was their security detail afterward. They are a great bunch of guys.
My only beef is Jerry's vocals are WAY too fast when playing live. He must have sang 5 songs in around 6 minutes.
Pilon 10:41 AM 10-29-2009
Theyre coming to Providence Nov 1st, trying my best to make the show.
e-man67 10:48 AM 10-29-2009
Originally Posted by Darrell:
I am a HUGE Misfits fan. I even have a Crimson Ghost tattoo.
The Misfits came and played the club I worked at when I was moonlighting as a Bouncer. I was their security detail afterward. They are a great bunch of guys.
My only beef is Jerry's vocals are WAY too fast when playing live. He must have sang 5 songs in around 6 minutes.
Sweet! Jerry takes NO BRAKES...his freakin heart is gonna explode if he doesn't slow down! He was ultra-cool...he stood there and signed every item that someone handed to him...very cool.
Darrell 10:50 AM 10-29-2009
Originally Posted by e-man67:
Sweet! Jerry takes NO BRAKES...his freakin heart is gonna explode if he doesn't slow down! He was ultra-cool...he stood there and signed every item that someone handed to him...very cool.
Yep. The Man is a class act and appreciates his fans. He stayed after for about 3 hrs signing and talking with people. He def. has not forgotten that the fans are everything in the music industry. Some other bands could learn a thing or two from him.
tobii3 11:02 AM 10-29-2009
Originally Posted by Darrell:
Some other bands could learn a thing or two from him. :-)
Trying to keep from LMAO here.
Anyone remember Jerry's Christian Heavy metal group??? Yeah....
The history of Misfits - ya know, they could make a film of it. They'd make MILLIONS!!!!
e-man67 11:02 AM 10-29-2009
Originally Posted by Darrell:
Yep. The Man is a class act and appreciates his fans. He stayed after for about 3 hrs signing and talking with people. He def. has not forgotten that the fans are everything in the music industry. Some other bands could learn a thing or two from him. :-)
For sure...and while I like Danzig I don't he would have stuck around to sign anything...at least he didn't during the Lucifug tour. Have you ever seen the Cramps? They were great...the lead singer Lux Interior died this past year. Such an awesome show.
Darrell 11:03 AM 10-29-2009
Danzig is a piece of ****. I drove up to Santa Cruz a couple years ago to see him. I stood outside waiting in the cold for 2 hrs for them to open the doors. He and the Manager of the venue got into it and he refused to play. Mother****er!
e-man67 11:06 AM 10-29-2009
Originally Posted by Darrell:
Danzig is a piece of ****. I drove up to Santa Cruz a couple years ago to see him. I stood outside waiting in the cold for 2 hrs for them to open the doors. He and the Manager of the venue got into it and he refused to play. Mother****er!
That is BS...he is full of himself for sure...he does have a great voice though.
RightAJ 11:17 AM 10-29-2009
Sounds awesome!!! They have some great stuff... my fav probably being "Last Caress"

Metallica is my favorite band and when I saw them play that at their concert this past year I went nuts!!! That was probably the best concert I have every been to. Great show. Gotta be on the lookout for the Misfits now!
wrench turner 85 02:21 PM 10-29-2009
sounds like a good time. But IMO no danzig no misfits.
NCRadioMan 08:40 PM 10-29-2009
What you saw was a bastardized version of the Misfits. Glenn was The Misfits. I like Jerry but they a cover band, imo.
I saw Danzig back in '93 and Glenn was super cool and stuck around signing stuff for hours. Just like any performer(actor, musician, athlete), depends on their mood as to whether they decide to stick around and shmooze with the fans.
vankleekkw 09:00 PM 10-29-2009
Nice, I was trying to see them on Thursday the 23rd, but I couldn't make it based on Inventory at the plant. I'm glad that you were able to see them as I always wanted to make it.
I did see Danzig about 10 years ago and it was awesome.