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All Cigar Discussion>After all the hype...
Tio Gato 03:03 PM 10-29-2009
Originally Posted by Hendy:
Nice, that was gold Jerry, Gold.
Puke, that's a funny word!

Thanks for the Seinfeld reference, not a day goes by without a good one!

Those Dracs look yummy!
wrench turner 85 03:26 PM 10-29-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
Sorry to hear about the beetles, I would return them to the vendor ASAP.
:-) and I just happen to be one. Just send your dracs to me and I will take care of them for you. and sorry NO REFUNDS :-)
Ahbroody 03:34 PM 10-29-2009
Funny your Dracs are missing all the foot bands. All the ones I have purchased and sold all had bands on the foot.

Uhhhhh that is odd
ChicagoWhiteSox 03:37 PM 10-29-2009
Originally Posted by Ahbroody:
Funny your Dracs are missing all the foot bands. All the ones I have purchased and sold all had bands on the foot.

Uhhhhh that is odd
I noticed that too. Maybe the slide lid is covering the band?
ade06 03:38 PM 10-29-2009
Originally Posted by Ahbroody:
Funny your Dracs are missing all the foot bands. All the ones I have purchased and sold all had bands on the foot.

Uhhhhh that is odd
That's very observant :-) Joe, are you holding out on telling us that you got one of those spooky tickets too? :-)
ade06 03:40 PM 10-29-2009
Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
I noticed that too. Maybe the slide lid is covering the band?
Probably, it looks like he's using the box to prop them up. Good call.
coastietech 03:44 PM 10-29-2009
They all have the bands on the foot... The foot is inside the box the lid and the box is holding them up and covering the foot. Didn't even think about it till it was pointed out just now.
Ahbroody 04:39 PM 10-29-2009
Ahhhhhhh I need to be more observant I just glanced at the pick and said what the duece.

Kind of sad I damaged one of mine last night. Had it in the 25 cnt and the humi disk popped the wrapper guess I will sacrafice it tonight. Local shop still has some so hopefully after I get paid tonight I can get a few more.
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