joeobx 03:40 PM 10-25-2009
Afternoon everyone, my new humidor should be here this weeknad I think Ive decided to go with the beads. I just have a few questions.
1. From my calculations (24x26x30) Ill have 18720 sq inches, plus my 120 count (15x8x7= 784) ill need about 2 1/2 pounds. Should I go with 3 and devide up the extra between the two.
2. Wheres a good place to get them. The sites I deal with Famous,Thompson, Cigar Int. dont carry them.
3. Ive read about using Oust fans but cant find any (my wife actually had a couple but didn't like the sents and threw them out)
:-) Is there something else I could use.
captain53 03:46 PM 10-25-2009
Kreth 03:48 PM 10-25-2009
You can get beads from Cigarmony, Heartfelt, or shilala (member here). Shilala has a buy going on right now (I'd link, but I'm on my phone).
If you can't find Oust fans, PC fans will work. You'll either need a PC power supply to run them, or adapters, which you can get at Radio Shack.
Posted via Mobile Device
pnoon 03:50 PM 10-25-2009
Originally Posted by captain53:
Beads and Good Information on them - Shilala:-)
Oust Fans: Ebay and Amazon, if you cant find them at one of those I have a couple of extras that I could work something out with you on. FYI: I am not sure how much good the Oust Fans actually do. They do not move much air at all.
I think the Oust fans move air adequately. But I only use them in storage that I don't open that often. I have one cooler I am in 2 or 3 times a week. No need for a fan in that one.
joeobx 04:15 PM 10-25-2009
Tried to click on the link for Shilala but got a page said I didn't have permission to access. Guess I'm still to much of a noob
:-) The fans must move some air the ones the wife put in the family room and up stairs could funk up the house.
captain53 04:20 PM 10-25-2009
Originally Posted by joeobx:
Tried to click on the link for Shilala but got a page said I didn't have permission to access. Guess I'm still to much of a noob:-) The fans must move some air the ones the wife put in the family room and up stairs could funk up the house.
Maybe you can PM him. Also hearfelt industries has popular beads but I like the Shilala Beads and tons of folks here use them.
By the way, if you use Oust Fans make sure you set them outside and let them air out a few days even if new because they will smell like that sweet skunk oil and ruin your smokes. Don't be too mad at the wife if it had that stuff run thru it i don't think you could have ever gotten the smell out anyway.
SmokinApe 04:28 PM 10-25-2009 has beads and great customer service...
Oh, congrats on the new humi setup...