Big party on Nov 19 to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of Two Guys Smoke Shops in NH. There's going to be a raffle for 10,000 gallons of gas.
Two Guys is apparently the biggest independent cigar retailer in the world! (I had no idea and they're one of my local B&Ms.)
Anyway, thought it sounded cool and thought some of you might be interested.
Article in local newspaper
(I am not affiliated with Two Guys in any way, nor do I even know the owners.)
It's awesome that I found this post actually, I'm headed there tomorrow with a buddy from work who lives in New Hampshire and has been telling me about it. I hope I find some good stuff there to take home as a souvenir! Uh oh, Schirin's not going to like hearing about this place, she'll worry about me spending too much again. Maybe us mass guys should make a road trip up there when they are throwing this party.