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Jokes>Miranda Rights
jwintosh 10:22 AM 10-12-2009
A female police officer
arrests a man for drunk driving.

She tells the man,
"Sir, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you
say can and will be held against you..."
The drunk says:
timo 10:25 AM 10-12-2009
mariogolbee 10:29 AM 10-12-2009
Fishbeadtwo 10:46 AM 10-12-2009
How long was he in the hospital?
G G 10:47 AM 10-12-2009
Steve 11:07 AM 10-12-2009
kelmac07 11:08 AM 10-12-2009
Good one!!
Gophernut 04:37 PM 10-12-2009
Very good!
markem 09:26 PM 10-12-2009
MedicCook 09:51 PM 10-12-2009
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
dunng 05:35 AM 10-13-2009
:-) :-) :-) :-)

DPD6030 05:59 AM 10-13-2009
I like it :-) :-)
McSmokey 06:07 AM 10-13-2009
:-) :-) :-)
DonniePaul 08:57 AM 10-13-2009

Good one!
Starscream 01:09 PM 10-14-2009
Originally Posted by MedicCook:
:-) :-) :-) :-)
CBI_2 10:11 PM 10-19-2009
:-):-):-) Works for me. :-)