So, at the bottom of the CA home page you will see pics (for now, at least) I posted of some old school Pulps that I have. Does anyone else collect these? Would anyone else be interested in a pulp Trade/PIF? Maybe we throw in some smokes? Just curious.
Kind of a cool idea but I can't imagine it being more than a handful of people. Have any scans of the inside pages?
I used to have a few Robert E. Howard related Pulps like Solomon Kane and Conan the Barbarian but I lost them.
Well, you never know, right. I'm on other sites and every now and then I find some one. It only takes a few people with even moderate collections to keep us trading for months. I'll scan some pages and post em. I'm a big fan of Howard, Lovecraft, but I love the crime pulps the best. Thanks for responding.
They're fun to read with a cigar in hand, btw.
I could send you some fantasy ones if ya like.