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Jokes>Funny Nissan commercial
markem 11:33 PM 09-27-2009
Provided commercials about independent suspensions can be funny

CasaDooley 12:26 AM 09-28-2009
kelmac07 07:52 AM 09-28-2009
Good one.
PeteSB75 09:22 AM 09-28-2009
Might want to throw a PNSFW tag on that one :-)
Bobfire 09:30 AM 09-28-2009
Very funny, and nice ones!
DonniePaul 03:29 PM 09-30-2009
GKitty 03:37 PM 09-30-2009
Originally Posted by PeteSB75:
Might want to throw a PNSFW tag on that one :-)

Funny stuff though.
Mugen910 03:45 PM 09-30-2009
I like the "Air conditioning" one :-)
kaisersozei 05:49 PM 09-30-2009
Can't... stop... watching....