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All Cigar Discussion>Tat
pgagnon 02:57 PM 09-26-2009
those arent available in quebec(or at lest not in quebec city) any of you guys knows where would be the closest place for me to buy some? :-)
kelmac07 03:14 PM 09-26-2009
Patrick...looking for a particulat Tat...or any? Remember...I now have your addy. :-)
pgagnon 03:20 PM 09-26-2009
merely looking for ANY of them truly. remember i have yours too.... and by your own hands!!
Hendy 03:22 PM 09-26-2009
Pete is going International. He was just in Germany for a visit. Not quite sure if he is going to Canada or not. You can check on his site at

Hope that helps.
pgagnon 03:43 PM 09-26-2009
bah Vermon is tha closest place. tks Hendy!