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Sports>Sorry Philly
timo 01:13 PM 09-23-2009
She's back where she belongs
PeteSB75 01:15 PM 09-23-2009
Broken link.
timo 01:20 PM 09-23-2009
Originally Posted by PeteSB75:
Broken link.
fixed sorry
icehog3 03:12 PM 09-23-2009
Finally, I can breathe again! :-)
yourchoice 03:17 PM 09-23-2009
I had to go to google just to see who she was and I'm a 4 sport Philly nut! :-)

Bu-bye. Nice not knowing ya'!
timo 04:44 PM 09-23-2009
I still don't know who she is.....but I like her
dunng 04:53 PM 09-23-2009
timo 05:00 PM 09-23-2009
Originally Posted by dunng:
She's no Heidi Watney:-) but we'll take her