Originally Posted by muhren:
I'm new to the boards (see intro thread) and in order to get adjusted quickly, I'm curious who the 'in-the-know' guys are around here when it comes to reviews.
i.e. who are the vets who post a favorable review and you say to yourself, "Well, XXX said it's good, it must be good!"
I wanna know who's reviews I should be paying the most attention to. I'll read them all, I just figured you guys who know better than me!
Feel free to rattle of a list of names rather than narrow it down to one.
If your palate is rather goat-like, feel free to read my reviews.
Originally Posted by gnukfu:
Don't read any reviews posted by Skywalker....he is totally clueless.....:-)
Seriously though you need to find someone with tastes similar to yours. Just because "the top reviewer" says a certain cigar is good doesn't mean you will like it.
:-) My name mentioned in the same post as "the top reviewer" has to be a mistake!!!:-)
Originally Posted by Snake Hips:
I agree with the others. You can't go by reviews alone. However, they do help. When you've been in the Asylum for long enough, you start to notice members who have similar tastes to you, then you can give their reviews some attention. I use reviews myself to help me with purchases; if there is some kind of consensus on a cigar for or against it, it affects my purchase. If all the descriptions of the cigar are things I look for, I add it to my list. But I don't see a rave review by icehog or skywalker or landhoney or OLS and immediately go to buy a box of that cigar.
My name mentioned at all has to be a mistake!!!:-)