MajorCaptSilly 02:45 PM 09-16-2009
I currently have Comcast cable and have it split into 4 rooms. My upstairs rooms have always had a decent signal but not enough to run the digital cable box properly. Plugged into the TV is fine. I got the single output version of this Motorola booster:
This made everything work for awhile but now it doesn't work again. The On Demand channel works fine but all others do not come in very well at all. I have a splitter right after the Motorola booster and am wondering if I should get the 2 port version. This would eliminate one split and maybe help?
I'm open to any ideas you all may have as well.
AD720 03:15 PM 09-16-2009
Every time you split coax it cuts the signal 3.5 db (and thats with a high quality splitter). A powered splitter or a higher powered amp may help but could also dirty up the signal - if it is already dirty then you are just amplifying noise. .
Honestly I would drop this problem in Comcast's lap if I were you. Make them buy and install the gear to make their service work
I use to have Cox Cable and it took me a long time with them to get everything correct. The also had to install a booster in my house. The size and type of the booster matters as does the splitter(s) that you are using.
In addition they had to put new ends on the entrance junction box on the house. Check those. If any of the copper is discolored - it needs trimmed.
At first the power adapter was in my daughters room as the main cable came into the house. Every now and then she would knock it off and then half the TV's got crap signals. I finally cut out the Cox installation - re-routed everything and put their entrance box inside the house, in my furnace room and re-did all the ends and from there never had any problems.
I have Fios now - but the amp and splitters are still mounted to my board. You can have them and I know that it will run 5 TV's (HD signals) with no problem. If it does not work then your problem is before the signal gets to your home.
It's a Scientific Atlanta amp - but am pretty sure it's actually made by Motorola.
Just PM me your address and I can ship tomorrow.
Kreth 04:45 PM 09-16-2009
Originally Posted by AD720:
Every time you split coax it cuts the signal 3.5 db (and thats with a high quality splitter). A powered splitter or a higher powered amp may help but could also dirty up the signal - if it is already dirty then you are just amplifying noise. .
Honestly I would drop this problem in Comcast's lap if I were you. Make them buy and install the gear to make their service work :-)
If he's splitting off of one line, they'll probably tell him he needs to pay for any equipment. The cable companies will nickel and dime you to death with stuff like that.
Posted via Mobile Device
MajorCaptSilly 05:12 PM 09-16-2009
Originally Posted by RGD.:
I use to have Cox Cable and it took me a long time with them to get everything correct. The also had to install a booster in my house. The size and type of the booster matters as does the splitter(s) that you are using.
In addition they had to put new ends on the entrance junction box on the house. Check those. If any of the copper is discolored - it needs trimmed.
At first the power adapter was in my daughters room as the main cable came into the house. Every now and then she would knock it off and then half the TV's got crap signals. I finally cut out the Cox installation - re-routed everything and put their entrance box inside the house, in my furnace room and re-did all the ends and from there never had any problems.
I have Fios now - but the amp and splitters are still mounted to my board. You can have them and I know that it will run 5 TV's (HD signals) with no problem. If it does not work then your problem is before the signal gets to your home.
It's a Scientific Atlanta amp - but am pretty sure it's actually made by Motorola.
Just PM me your address and I can ship tomorrow.
That's very nice of you! I think what you have is exactly what I need. Thank you very much.
AD720 06:35 PM 09-16-2009
Originally Posted by Kreth:
If he's splitting off of one line, they'll probably tell him he needs to pay for any equipment. The cable companies will nickel and dime you to death with stuff like that.
Posted via Mobile Device
I would fight that hard if they pulled it on me. If I'm paying for four rooms then Comcast needs to get the service into the four rooms. I would give them a big old "not my problem".
Kreth 06:42 PM 09-16-2009
Originally Posted by AD720:
I would fight that hard if they pulled it on me. If I'm paying for four rooms then Comcast needs to get the service into the four rooms. I would give them a big old "not my problem".
The way I read the OP, he split one line inside to 4 TVs. If he was paying for 4 room service then I'd agree.
Posted via Mobile Device
AD720 07:20 PM 09-16-2009
Originally Posted by Kreth:
The way I read the OP, he split one line inside to 4 TVs. If he was paying for 4 room service then I'd agree.
Posted via Mobile Device
Re-read. If he has a digital cable box then he is paying for it
MajorCaptSilly 07:25 PM 09-16-2009
Originally Posted by AD720:
Re-read. If he has a digital cable box then he is paying for it
I'm paying now for 2 digital boxes. Previously one. I agree that the cable company should be responsible for providing adequate signal to power all the boxes. I took a look at my cable coming into the house on the outside. It is split so I can get my cable internet (which is incredibly fast and reliable) and noticed the cable for the TV is not looking very healthy. The plastic around around the coax is worn and split with bare wire showing and the coax connector is oxidized on the outside. I will be making a call to Comcast to address this.
kgoings 07:34 PM 09-16-2009
Rabidsquirrel 08:07 PM 09-16-2009
Check your terminations. Don't use the twist on ends, use the compression ends that you need a tool to put on. Don't forget to plug any unused ports.