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General Discussion>It's a boy!
Waynegro1 12:25 AM 09-16-2009
Congratulations!!! Mr. No Name is just fine. :-)
galaga 10:11 AM 09-16-2009
:-) :-)
aich75013 10:16 AM 09-16-2009
skullnrose 10:18 AM 09-16-2009
Congrats !
McSmokey 10:21 AM 09-16-2009
Congrats on the new Grand Baby
kenstogie 10:54 AM 09-16-2009
Congrats, now you can buy all the cool toys and say they are for him!
CasaDooley 11:41 AM 09-16-2009
Congrats! And remember, grandkids keep you young...and tired!:-)
Cigargal 01:17 PM 09-16-2009
Originally Posted by kenstogie:
Congrats, now you can buy all the cool toys and say they are for him!
:-) You got that right!
jwintosh 01:20 PM 09-16-2009
Hi Marianne!! way too cool!! congrats!!
kenstogie 01:58 PM 09-16-2009
Originally Posted by Cigargal:
:-) You got that right!
I know this cuz it's what I do with my kids. Some of the toys now days are amazing :-)
wrench turner 85 01:59 PM 09-16-2009
rizzle 02:22 PM 09-16-2009
Babies everywhere!!! Congratulations!
Cigargal 09:58 AM 09-18-2009
Finally have a name. Jack Hudson. The Hudson is from the river of the same name. His dad went to West Point.
Mr.Maduro 10:05 AM 09-18-2009
Congrats! Love the name too BTW.
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