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Sports>best tennis point ever?
JJG 10:57 AM 09-14-2009
I admit I'm not a big tennis fan, but this point by Roger Federer over the weekend blew me away.

think he actually practices the between the legs thing?

anyhow, just thought I'd share this with the asylum for those who haven't seen it yet.
marge796 11:44 AM 09-14-2009


kelmac07 01:40 PM 09-14-2009
Awesome it was...
ahc4353 01:42 PM 09-14-2009
Gophernut 02:52 PM 09-14-2009
A spectacular play. In the interview after the match he says he does practice that shot, but it never works. Amazing.
SmokeyJoe 02:57 PM 09-14-2009
Great shot!

When I read the title, I thought you were referring to the match point assessed against Serena Williams the other day for misconduct. That was pretty wild, too.
kenstogie 03:16 PM 09-14-2009
Yup that was real impressive.
Kreth 03:36 PM 09-14-2009
Definitely one of the best tennis shots I've ever seen.
Posted via Mobile Device
VirtualSmitty 03:53 PM 09-14-2009