whogamawut 10:50 PM 09-10-2009
Looking to purchase a single to try. Anyone know of any sites that have a good selection of singles that might have it? Checked a couple places around my house couldn't find any. Thanks
Slavac 12:53 AM 09-11-2009
I found mine at my local B&M. Did you try CI?
whogamawut 02:55 AM 09-11-2009
ya didn't have singles... i just found a couple more near my house so ill scope them out tomorrow
TXRebel 04:43 AM 09-11-2009
kelmac07 04:49 AM 09-11-2009
If you like the MX2, you will LOVE the MX3. Only available at WC Draper in DC. They only take phone orders...you can pick up a 5er of the robustos for $ 55.00 and receive a CAO MX3 New Era baseball cap. They can be reached at (202) 638-2555.
Jimbo14 07:23 AM 09-11-2009
Originally Posted by whogamawut:
Looking to purchase a single to try. Anyone know of any sites that have a good selection of singles that might have it? Checked a couple places around my house couldn't find any. Thanks
Don't bother with singles. These are so good! Buy a five pack.
I only smoked one of these and it was probably 4-5 years ago, but I remember it being really good. very sweet, cocoa flavored.
This is where I got mine. Check out their selection of other smokes too. They have a ton of good stuff and I believe they sell singles of just about everything.
whogamawut 11:52 AM 09-11-2009
ahh right on...Thanks everyone