catfish2 09:19 PM 09-05-2009
blugill 08:28 AM 09-06-2009
Zombieland looks amazing!
If there were a fictional place I'd like to live it would be in this movie!
BORIStheBLADE 09:26 AM 09-06-2009
icehog3 10:40 AM 09-06-2009
Originally Posted by blugill:
Zombieland looks amazing!
If there were a fictional place I'd like to live it would be in this movie!
That would be awesome, Andy! I could eat your brains!
Actually, the movie looks pretty cool and funny.
catfish2 02:21 PM 09-07-2009
I luvz me some zombie killin movie.
DonniePaul 09:41 AM 09-08-2009
Yeah- That looks like it is going to be awesome.

aich75013 10:02 AM 09-08-2009
Aldebaran 11:00 AM 09-08-2009
Aside from that I'll be looking forward to it, it has been a long time since I've seen some good Zombie action.
DonniePaul 12:41 PM 09-08-2009
catfish2 10:21 PM 09-08-2009
DonniePaul 07:16 AM 09-09-2009
boonedoggle 01:16 PM 10-08-2009
Seen it opening weekend! AWESOME! Might go see it again with the boy next week!
smokeyandthebandit05 09:24 PM 10-11-2009
I loved this movie. It was short, only an hour and 22 min but it didnt seem like it. Surprisingly it held my attention the whole movie and would go see it again
Darrell 08:20 PM 10-17-2009
This movie rocked. Woody Harrelson was awesome in it!
I will admit, I was not a fan of Columbus. THAT character just annoys me though.
He reminded me of the guy from Superbad and Nick and Norah's infinite playlist.
Santesyu 01:17 AM 11-07-2009
I finally saw this movie, it was pretty good!
mariogolbee 02:53 AM 11-07-2009
Eight Legged Freaks gets no love here?
Santesyu 10:00 PM 11-07-2009
Maybe off topic, but related to the theme.. Did you know they are coming out with a tv show based off of the comics called walking dead? Should appear on AMC next year should be awesome considering a show based upon the end of the world zombie mayham. Be on the look out for it! Well thats if you liked this movie anyway ;3