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View Poll Results: Tired of looking at the current Pepin Poll
Yes 12 80.00%
No 3 20.00%
Voters: 15. You may not vote on this poll
General Discussion>Tired of looking at the favorite Pepin Poll poll
Tuxguy 04:03 PM 08-27-2009
:-) tired of looking at it
need a change of poll
Tuxguy 04:07 PM 08-27-2009
Thought this would take place of the current poll, guess i am wrong :-)
icehog3 04:09 PM 08-27-2009
Not sure why you thought a new thread/ poll would eliminate the old one? If the old poll was originally posted by you, I would be happy to close it.
landhoney 04:13 PM 08-27-2009
Who/what determines the "current poll"?
icehog3 04:18 PM 08-27-2009
There can be as many polls going as people want to post, Seth. People can make it a time-defined poll or indefinite.

If the OP here doesn't chime in otherwise, I will close this thread as it seems to serve no real purpose.
bobarian 04:30 PM 08-27-2009
Originally Posted by landhoney:
Who/what determines the "current poll"?
Maybe this guy?

Originally Posted by icehog3:
There can be as many polls going as people want to post, Seth. People can make it a time-defined poll or indefinite.

If the OP here doesn't chime in otherwise, I will close this thread as it seems to serve no real purpose.
I think Seth is asking how the poll for the main page is chosen.
icehog3 05:27 PM 08-27-2009
Originally Posted by bobarian:

I think Seth is asking how the poll for the main page is chosen.
You know, my "favorites" shortcut takes me right to the Forums page, so I didn't even know there was always a poll on the main page. I therefore obviously have no idea how the current one is chosen...might be a question for the "Issues" forum, I am sure Julian or one of the other more Vbulletin savvy Mods knows. :-)