ChasDen 06:25 AM 08-24-2009
I know their not, but for those of us who know how Scott feels about Verizon, I feel his pain
Sometime during the day Sat the DSL went down.
Of course Sunday is the day no one with a clue is working the phones so all I get was we will look into it
And later, tests show no problem.
And later yet, we have no record of your previous calls
:-) :-)
It took about 5 minutes to load the site this morning but at least it on.
Hope this posts
shilala 06:40 AM 08-24-2009
I switched to AT&T and got an iphone.
It was like I took the best dump of my life. Ranks right up there with getting divorced.
Don Francisco 07:41 AM 08-24-2009
Actually, SBC and AT&T merged with SBC being the majority owner but now doing business under the AT&T logo for more worldwide name recognition.
kydsid 09:17 AM 08-24-2009
Meh all communication companies suck. Tell me why it is so important to know what modem I have to the point if I somehow was smart enough to access your DSL without one of yours that I am somwhow SOL because of a problem on your end and not mine because I don't want to pay you for a modem when I already have five or six working ones?
I am serious on that. When I have problems it takes me at least an hour to get past level 1 ATT support only to get to Level 2 and have my problem solved in less than 5 minutes. EVERY FREAKIN TIME!
aich75013 09:55 AM 08-24-2009
There is an older Dilbert cartoon that I remember.
Basically he is talking to Tech Support while laying on the sofa with some coffee saying, "Ok, I am rebooting now. Nope. That didn't work either."
I tried googling it, but couldn't find it.
I have to admit, I have done that before when I know the problem isn't on my end.
I have spent 45 minutes on the phone with AT&T before the girl finally checked, and there was an outage on their end.
Last time I had problems, my modem died, and that was my first suggestion to the tech after I had him check for an outage in my area. He said that he really doubted it. After 45 minures again, he says maybe your modem is bad. I get a call 15 minutes later by an upper level tech who figures it out in 2 minutes by running line tests.
Originally Posted by shilala:
I switched to AT&T and got an iphone.
It was like I took the best dump of my life. Ranks right up there with getting divorced. :-)
I think I have a new sig line!
Scottastic 11:45 AM 08-24-2009
Originally Posted by Don Francisco:
Actually, SBC and AT&T merged with SBC being the majority owner but now doing business under the AT&T logo for more worldwide name recognition.
You are absolutely correct, AT&T is actually SBC, AT&T Mobility (wireless) is actually Cingular (that's what it says on my paychecks). While all the companies that call themselves AT&T work together, we all have different parents.
TheTraveler 11:45 AM 08-24-2009
Originally Posted by aich75013:
There is an older Dilbert cartoon that I remember.
Basically he is talking to Tech Support while laying on the sofa with some coffee saying, "Ok, I am rebooting now. Nope. That didn't work either."
I love that Dilbert strip too!
Here's a link:
Scottastic 11:51 AM 08-24-2009
Originally Posted by kydsid:
Meh all communication companies suck. Tell me why it is so important to know what modem I have to the point if I somehow was smart enough to access your DSL without one of yours that I am somwhow SOL because of a problem on your end and not mine because I don't want to pay you for a modem when I already have five or six working ones?
I am serious on that. When I have problems it takes me at least an hour to get past level 1 ATT support only to get to Level 2 and have my problem solved in less than 5 minutes. EVERY FREAKIN TIME!
Here's how you get tier 2 support for wireline (unless its Sunday or 1 am).
Call customer care >
Say "cancel service">
Say "dsl" >
Explain to the nice lady (almost always a lady) that care is not litening to your problems and you need tier two support.
Works everytime. Alternatively with wireless:
Call customer care >
Hit "0" >
Hit "0" >
Hit "0" >
Tell them right away that you dropped a call with tier 2 and would they please transfer you. If they give you trouble hang up and call again.
kydsid 12:05 PM 08-24-2009
Scottastic, Thanks for the idea on the wired customer service. Thankfully I haven't had issues with wireless support. They have been slow but usually it is a US based person. The home phone/dsl support is always a call center in India and getting past their script responses is the problem. I have actually at the suggestion of tier 2 support in previous times told them I was on the phone with Tier 2 and was disconnected. Telling the script readers that has yet to work though, they continue with their useless bs about what kind of modem to I have, router etc. When I call for DSL it seems absolutely insane that I cannot just ask is there an outage. Tier 1 never nows this but Tier 2 always does. The single worse thing is Tier 1 constantly hanging up on me. I don't get mad until like the 4th or 5th disconnect but honestly how can you not after an hour EVERY FREAKING TIME THEIR IS A PROBLEM.
I even wrote the ATT CEO to tell them to fire Tier 1 support. It is horrible.
ChasDen 07:56 PM 08-25-2009
Well today its back on, then off again and now I'm on.
Who knows how long it will last.
I live in a multiple family complex and the "problem" is from the street in so its now "our" problem.
:-) Landlord is suppose to send someone tomorrow to "look it over"