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General Discussion>Ramblings of a sick man
kelmac07 01:49 PM 08-06-2009
Hope you're feeling better bro!!
gorob23 02:25 PM 08-06-2009
Originally Posted by Da Klugs:
and saw the Popsicle sticks (apparently 2 grapes last night). Took a few seconds to process but...
:-) Sorry but that was funny. get Better soon

Rob :-)
markem 02:26 PM 08-06-2009
Originally Posted by gorob23:
:-) Sorry but that was funny. get Better soon
:-) grape scotts man! hope you are better soon.
Tio Gato 02:29 PM 08-06-2009
Dave, take it easy on the cough syrup. I'd hate to see you become the Michael Jackson of the Cigar Asylum.
Ahh, just kidding. Have some chicken soup and get well soon.
If you keep coughing up the yucky stuff call the Doc to make sure that's normal. Play it safe and get some rest.
Skywalker 03:08 PM 08-06-2009
It's probably from smoking all those old cigars!!!:-)

I hope you feel well soon Dave!!!
hotreds 03:32 PM 08-06-2009
Hmmm- PPP with a coughing, wheezing guy? Now we'll see who the true hard core are!

HK3- 06:31 AM 08-07-2009
As I was reading this I was thinking..holy ****! Too funny though.. popsicles :-)
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