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Sports>XBOX 360 Madden Online franchise league
Shaerza 10:12 AM 07-24-2009
Anyone interested?

I will be picking up the new madden when it comes out next month and the online franchise features look pretty awesome. Thought it would be cool to have a CA league if we have enough people that play the game.
King James 10:14 AM 07-24-2009
haven't decided if I'm going to get madden or ncaa this year. But I'll keep an eye on the thread
dubnick 10:31 AM 07-24-2009
Originally Posted by King James:
haven't decided if I'm going to get madden or ncaa this year. But I'll keep an eye on the thread
GTsetGO 10:50 AM 07-24-2009
i will 3rd the notion.
ucla695 06:53 PM 07-24-2009
Dayum...I'd be all over this if I didn't have a PS3. The new features seem saaaweeet! :-)
reggiebuckeye 07:55 PM 08-08-2009
I would be interested. Looking for a NCAA dynasty too.
Azpostal 07:58 PM 08-08-2009
Count me in! I've got mine reserved.
reggiebuckeye 03:28 PM 08-14-2009
Game is in hand. Where does this stand?
Shaerza 06:02 PM 08-16-2009
I havent been out to pickup the game yet. Prolly give this a week or so to see how many are interested
reggiebuckeye 10:29 PM 08-18-2009
Really trying to be patient. Looking forward to see how this will work out. Seems like it will be lots of fun.
Bruzee 10:37 PM 08-18-2009
I'd be in too.... This gonna happen? :-)
Shaerza 08:29 AM 08-19-2009
Those of you that have it already... is it possible to change the controls to whatever you want on the xbox? I played over on my buddies ps3 and couldnt figure out how to change the buttons around. I wont be buying the game if i cant make my A button sprint!
reggiebuckeye 08:08 PM 08-25-2009
Originally Posted by Shaerza:
Those of you that have it already... is it possible to change the controls to whatever you want on the xbox? I played over on my buddies ps3 and couldnt figure out how to change the buttons around. I wont be buying the game if i cant make my A button sprint!
No. Sorry. Have to play the way it comes.

Still waiting for interested parties. Let's get a team list. Maybe if we do it like this:

reggiebuckeye (taroli) Cleveland Browns.
Shaerza 08:36 PM 08-25-2009
I wont be buying the game. Completely unacceptable to not be able to change the controls. I cant play without A as my sprint. Sorry for creating the thread only to bail :-)