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All Cigar Discussion>Chat issues
DougBushBC 05:12 PM 07-09-2009
I can't seem to get into Chat right now, when I open it up, it gives me another login prompt, which my user and pass doesn't work. Help
mikeandshellie2 05:14 PM 07-09-2009
keep trying.. flashchat has been a pain lately
DougBushBC 05:22 PM 07-09-2009
Im missing out on prime chat time :-) sadface
DougBushBC 05:23 PM 07-09-2009
Anyone wanna jump into Asylum poker instead?
mikeandshellie2 05:32 PM 07-09-2009
hmmm, really? soo now we can chat about you and plan a major bombing run.. Who's in? :P
stearns 05:34 PM 07-09-2009
hah, that was a really funny joke you just said in chat shellie, too bad you promised you'd never say it again

troutbreath 05:56 PM 07-09-2009
Thanks, Doug! I didn't even know we had chat!

You should get in there. You are the subject of conversation . . .