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General Discussion>Are their any X-Ray Technicians amongst us?
Darrell 04:14 PM 07-06-2009
I've been contemplating getting into the Medical field and was curious if anyone is an X-Ray Technician as that area interests me a lot. If anyone is can you share what you like? dislike? about the job and anything else. Thanks!!
The Poet 04:18 PM 07-06-2009
Most times the gonads that glow in the dark are a downer, but they come in handy every now and then.

68TriShield 04:49 PM 07-06-2009
ReggieBuckeye is.
kydsid 05:27 PM 07-06-2009
I can't help you with your body being x-rayed, but if you need your car, suitcase, pallet or semi-trailer x-rayed I'm your man!