Good chance I will get a job opportunity in the bay area, more specifically San Jose. I have friends who love it, others who hate it. Just seeing what some of the guys here who have lived there or do live there think of the area. My main concern is the cost of living, traffic and coming from Portland, the general friendliness of the area.
California is awesome (bay area especially - born and raised there). Very diverse, both in climate and culture. I loved being able to go an hour in any direction for snow, city life, beach, mountains, lakes and etc. However, as a young man I left because of the cost of living. I am currently in the OTHER bay area... Tampa Bay. I would love to return. If the opportunity pays well.... DO IT!
:-) Find a suberb for cheaper living. It will be worth the commute. Oh, California has terrible cigar tax and non-smoking bans.... something to consider! Hope this helps... and your package will be there on Wednesday.