Gispert Maduro Churchill, 7x54
Used first draw to light firecracker as a test. Performed admirably.
First Third: difficulties with ash. Had to keep exposing the burn to get a good fuse light. Lit smaller popping butterflies and bouncing spinners. Some smaller fountains here, too. Fuse light is quick, tip is still loose, but hot enough for a quick light.
Second Third: No signs of tunneling or hot burn. Some damage to my right index finger from a quick fuse, no damage to cigar, thank goodness. Long burn time on this smoke is helping as I continue to light roman candles and larger fountains with it. A few small repeaters here, too. The Gispert gives out large quantities of thick smoke, which blends in nicely with the smoke from some of the heavier cakes. Tip is solid and conical, glowing nicely, making it very easy to line up with the fuses in the dark.
Final Third: Body of cigar has held up well, but shortened length is making lighting difficult. Still gun shy from earlier quck fuse. Burn is slowing, and cooler tip is making fuse lights difficult. Larger roman candles light fine at first, then delay starts impacting ability to light multiple pieces at the same time. I am forced to switch to a lighter for the grand finale, disappointingly.
Conclusion: Long smoke time means many lights, cooler tip at finish is a negative, but overall a very good punk, if you ignore the fact that lighting fireworks with your cigar eventually makes it taste like you are smoking a fuse.