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General Discussion>A very different alarm clock
BORIStheBLADE 06:27 PM 06-27-2009
I just ran into this video of a guy that made a pneumatic bed.:-):-)
elderboy02 07:29 PM 06-27-2009
:-) Man, I would get whiplash :-)
SSatVT 07:56 PM 06-27-2009
I could use that some mornings, but I am certain that I would get out of bed with a headache.:-)
White97Jimmy 08:43 PM 06-27-2009
Can't imagine what else he uses that thing for. Although he does still sleep in a twin bed.
kelmac07 09:06 PM 06-27-2009
Looks like that's gonna leave a mark...OUCH!!!
BORIStheBLADE 12:34 AM 06-28-2009
Originally Posted by White97Jimmy:
Although he does still sleep in a twin bed.