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General Discussion>I got the afternoon off
Junior 03:50 PM 06-23-2009
And it only took out AC unit being out for an entire week. It couldn’t go out at a worse time either. When I left this afternoon it was 86, and on Friday it was 91 when I left. With any luck the part will be in on Thursday, and they will get it put in Friday.
Azpostal 03:53 PM 06-23-2009
Man I hope you get the part soon. I couldn't make it out here without AC.
Junior 11:19 PM 06-23-2009
Tomorrow the boss man should be here, but he is wussing out because of the heat.
Waynegro1 11:54 PM 06-23-2009
You've got to be having the worst luck lately. Hope things get better, fratello!!