DrDubzz 10:29 PM 06-16-2009
I'll be in Colorado Springs for the 4th of July weekend, and I know there is one shop there, but haven't been before.
Anyone from there or near there care to help a brother out?
Just curious where the good shops, if any, are. And how long I'm gonna need to drool over stuff
Thanks in advance
DrDubzz 12:14 AM 06-17-2009
found em on google, Stag Tobacconist is the one I was thinking of, anyone in the area wants to meet up let me know
colimo 12:35 AM 06-17-2009
stag is a very nice shop with a big humi....and nice lounge....
Opusfxd 12:12 PM 06-20-2009
Gonna be there for just the weekend?
DrDubzz 04:53 PM 06-29-2009
this wednesday through sunday
csbrewfisher 11:40 PM 06-29-2009
Tim, The best shop in town is Peak Cigars on 8th street. The humi is not as extensive, but the atmosphere is way friendlier. You can bring your own adult refreshments in, in fact, it's encouraged. Not so at Stag. Peak has better prices too.
zmancbr 08:13 AM 06-30-2009
Originally Posted by csbrewfisher:
Tim, The best shop in town is Peak Cigars on 8th street. The humi is not as extensive, but the atmosphere is way friendlier. You can bring your own adult refreshments in, in fact, it's encouraged. Not so at Stag. Peak has better prices too.
I vote for Peak as well. The owner is a good guy and the environment is pretty cool as well.
Originally Posted by RX2010:
this wednesday through sunday
If you get time to swing up to Denver, let us know. What time are you leaving sunday?
csbrewfisher 10:23 AM 06-30-2009
Originally Posted by zmancbr:
I vote for Peak as well. The owner is a good guy and the environment is pretty cool as well.
Zach is right about this. Larry Rice is the coolest tobacconist around...funny and friendly. Great drummer too! Ask him about Doc Severinsen.
DrDubzz 04:31 PM 07-04-2009
Originally Posted by zmancbr:
I vote for Peak as well. The owner is a good guy and the environment is pretty cool as well.
If you get time to swing up to Denver, let us know. What time are you leaving sunday? :-)
I'll be heading out tomorrow about 8am... maybe next time