mikeandshellie2 11:36 PM 06-15-2009
Anyone ever purchased from Egars.com? No, it's not a cc site.. It has some nice prices on ashtrays, but I think they maybe to nice.. I apologize ahead of time if I'm wrong. Any help with this site would be appreciated. Also, if this is wrong in anyway please let me know MR. Mods. Thanks,Shellie
DPD6030 11:38 PM 06-15-2009
I never heard of them so I can't help you. Sorry.
lostark374 01:20 AM 06-16-2009
prices seem too good to be true and no reviews online from them... maybe try a small test order.
sikk50 02:06 AM 06-16-2009
Ok, so their prices on Palios seemed way to good. After going to Palio's site, since I remembered they have a list of links to place they are carried, egars.com is not listed. Now this obviously doesn't mean that they aren't legit, it could possibly be that palio hasn't updated, but it's enough to stear me away.
scoot 03:42 AM 06-16-2009
Shoot them an email with some simple questions about the products they carry. Their response, if any, should help give you a better idea about how reliable they are. Obviously this isn't a clear cut yes or no, but it will give you a little more info to base your judgment on. Also, maybe shoot Palio an email inquiring about the site.
Well at 132.68 a pop for Sharks their prices seem about right
thebiglebowski 10:59 AM 06-16-2009
Originally Posted by Bax:
Well at 132.68 a pop for Sharks their prices seem about right:-)
sikk50 01:54 PM 06-16-2009
Originally Posted by Bax:
Well at 132.68 a pop for Sharks their prices seem about right:-)
I saw that too maybe that's how they make up the money on other things