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General Discussion>Happy berfday Commander Quan!
KASR 12:32 PM 06-11-2009
Now let's see some berfday double smoke rings!!!! :-)
Skywalker 02:10 PM 06-11-2009
:-)Happy Birthday!!!:-)
Mugen910 02:19 PM 06-11-2009
:-) and :-)
awsmith4 02:52 PM 06-11-2009
G G 02:55 PM 06-11-2009
Old Sailor 03:08 PM 06-11-2009
GarlicBreath 03:22 PM 06-11-2009
Happy Birthday Derrick!
alley00p 03:33 PM 06-11-2009

Happy Birthday and wishing you many, many more!!! :-)

colimo 04:31 PM 06-11-2009
galaga 04:39 PM 06-11-2009
HBD, old guy!
Starscream 04:40 PM 06-11-2009
Happy Birthday!:-) :-)
dubnick 04:40 PM 06-11-2009
Happy B-Day!!!
The Poet 04:41 PM 06-11-2009
Is he old enough to buy us beer now? Hoo-raw!
stevefrench 05:44 PM 06-11-2009
Happy Birthday! :-)
Commander Quan 06:26 PM 06-11-2009
Thanks guys. I'm done working at 9 tonight, and I still haven't decided what I am going to smoke when I get home.
kelmac07 07:07 PM 06-11-2009
Happy B-Day!
MedicCook 10:57 PM 06-11-2009
Happy B-Day.
icehog3 11:24 PM 06-11-2009
Happy Birthday Commander! :-)