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General Discussion>For Your In-Consideration, A Fragment
The Poet 02:07 PM 06-10-2009
Some thinkers think they're thorough in their thought,
Yet ponder lazily, and thus for nought.
"Simplify, simplify." The sound is nice,
Though, if he meant it, why'd he say it twice?
To prove his point, should not one time suffice?

Between a hard place and the rocks,
I'm walled-in by this paradox.

TanithT 02:18 PM 06-10-2009
Haiku for cigar

These dark, oily leaves
Fragrance of cedar and spice
Tight-rolled and tempting.
Fiddlegrin 03:06 PM 06-10-2009
Nicely Done Mr. T Poet!

and____ Arigato gozimasu Tanith

Sincerely, Dafiddla

The Poet 02:36 PM 06-11-2009
What, 70+ hits, and only 2 replies? C'mon, guys - don't want a flame-war, but what about a coupla sparks? I'm not lookin' for kudos or Cubans here - smack me up aside the haid, knee me inna 'nads, whatever. I'm a big boy.

Hey, if you think a poet is some pansy in purple pantaloons sipping jasmine tea and chewing on his calamus, then you don't know what's a poet. That is a poetaster, a poesy poseur, not a poet. Homer and Vergil were poets - they wrote of war and heroes. Dante and Milton were poets - they wrote of Heaven and Hell. Ezra Pound was one too, and the US Army thought he was so dangerous that they threw him into prison camp, then locked him in the loony bin! And damn near all of them wrote about sex. Poets have started more battles, and ended more wars, than did any general - check your history books. That's what poets do, and are.

Gimme love, gimme hate, gimme you don't give a $#!+ - but gimme more than muteness.
poker 02:40 PM 06-11-2009
I thought all poets wear purple pantaloons :-)
The Poet 02:42 PM 06-11-2009
For you, poker, anything.
ahc4353 02:43 PM 06-11-2009
Most poetry is like most art to me. I don't get it, and I'm OK with that. :-)
poker 02:44 PM 06-11-2009
Originally Posted by The Poet:
For you, poker, anything.
kaisersozei 02:58 PM 06-11-2009
Ok, I'll write my next cigar review in verse.
TanithT 03:01 PM 06-11-2009
Originally Posted by kaisersozei:
Ok, I'll write my next cigar review in verse.
Do Gurkhas come from Nantucket?
Ashcan Bill 05:44 PM 06-11-2009
So, I should cross jasmine tea off my bucket list? :-)
TanithT 05:54 PM 06-11-2009
Originally Posted by Ashcan Bill:
So, I should cross jasmine tea off my bucket list? :-)
If somebody hands you a bucket full of something warm and faintly yellow, it might rhyme with "tea".
The Poet 02:36 PM 06-12-2009
I smoked a Gurkha in Nantucket,
Or tried to. I sat on a bucket
With toes in the sand,
Colibri in hand,
But wind blew my ash off, so %^@# it.
Emjaysmash 02:39 PM 06-12-2009
Originally Posted by The Poet:
I smoked a Gurkha in Nantucket,
Or tried to. I sat on a bucket
With toes in the sand,
Colibri in hand,
But wind blew my ash off, so %^@# it.