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Jokes>Al's New Restaurant
Whee 08:32 PM 05-31-2009
It finally happened.

I.F.H Monday's

NSFW language...


Would a kindhearted mod move this to the Jokes forum? I'm sure it's more appropriate there.
cort 08:36 PM 05-31-2009

I love the cigarette in the dookie sundae topped with a light splash of puke.:-)
ahc4353 10:10 PM 05-31-2009
Nice! :-)
mojo65 10:19 PM 05-31-2009
O my goodness
kelmac07 11:10 PM 05-31-2009
Service at its finest!!! LOL!
Whee 12:30 AM 06-01-2009
Originally Posted by ahc4353:
Nice! :-)