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General Discussion>Bridging
Seanohue 10:18 AM 05-31-2009
I know its possible to bridge a wireless connection between a phone and laptop, but what about a laptop and a desktop through a networking cable? They rearranged everything while I was at school and now the router is all the way in the basement and my computer is in my room, so I need a temporary solution while I wait for a wireless adapter to come. So, it is as simple as attaching a networking cable from the laptop to the desktop or are there a few more steps involved?
Thrak 10:53 AM 05-31-2009
you could do it I think.. it'd be ICS and not a bridge though... you'll also need a x-over cable to connect the laptop to the desktop
Seanohue 12:48 PM 05-31-2009
I got it; shared the wireless to the lan port on the laptop and then connected the wired connection to a router to share it with the desktop :-) Thanks!