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Jokes>The Human Body
jwintosh 04:30 PM 05-27-2009
Subject: Human Body

1. It takes your food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach
2. One human hair can support 6.6 lbs
3. The average mans penis is three times the length of his thumb
4. Human thighbones are stronger then concrete
5. A woman’s heart beats faster then a mans
6There are about 1 trillion bacteria on each of your feet
7. Women blink twice as much as a man
8. The average person’s skin weighs twice as much as the brain
9. Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when standing still
10. If saliva cannot dissolve something, you can’t taste it
11. Women reading this will be finished now
12. Men are still busy checking their thumbs
Mugen910 04:34 PM 05-27-2009
dammit how did u know? :-)
Posted via Mobile Device
Cigary 04:35 PM 05-27-2009
Ok,,,how many guys double and triple checked #3?
Don Francisco 04:35 PM 05-27-2009
Got me too! I can only wish. :-)
Scottw 04:35 PM 05-27-2009
Originally Posted by jwintosh:
Subject: Human Body

1. It takes your food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach
2. One human hair can support 6.6 lbs
3. The average mans penis is three times the length of his thumb
4. Human thighbones are stronger then concrete
5. A woman’s heart beats faster then a mans
6There are about 1 trillion bacteria on each of your feet
7. Women blink twice as much as a man
8. The average person’s skin weighs twice as much as the brain
9. Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when standing still
10. If saliva cannot dissolve something, you can’t taste it
11. Women reading this will be finished now
12. Men are still busy checking their thumbs
Does that include Asians? (Sorry Bao).
LordOfWu 04:38 PM 05-27-2009
That's right, just call me Mr. Big Thumbs!
Mugen910 04:50 PM 05-27-2009
Originally Posted by Scottw:
Does that include Asians? (Sorry Bao).
I don't recall u complaining last night :-)
Posted via Mobile Device
WildBlueSooner 05:05 PM 05-27-2009
Check out this statue of my thumb...lifesize


JaKaacH 05:26 PM 05-27-2009
So that's how the Fonz got all the babes
marge796 05:29 PM 05-27-2009


kelmac07 05:41 PM 05-27-2009
Too funny...
karmaz00 06:14 PM 05-27-2009
lol good one
G G 06:17 PM 05-27-2009
adampc22 06:27 PM 05-27-2009
that thumb one carnt be right can it thats massive or dus that also count the bit that is inside of the body ?
Bruzee 07:12 PM 05-27-2009
:-) Good one!