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General Discussion>Web Hosting
ridmaster 02:57 PM 05-27-2009
I've had my personal website and email hosted with my dad's ISP for years because it was free. He's changing ISPs and now I need a new place to park my domain. Anyone have any suggestions? I've been looking at GoDaddy and 1and1, they both seem reasonable about $4 a month. I'm just looking for basic web hosting, right now I just have a single static page up, and pop3 email for less than 10 accounts.

A nudge in any direction will be appreciated.
WildBlueSooner 02:58 PM 05-27-2009
I have a friend who hosts with GoDaddy...never had any problems.
hotreds 02:58 PM 05-27-2009
Darrell 03:00 PM 05-27-2009
I use, they're awesome.
dunng 03:00 PM 05-27-2009
ridmaster 03:12 PM 05-27-2009
Thanks guys, more replies than I expected on a cigar board :-).

I'll check them out.
kaelaria 04:05 PM 05-27-2009
I can't recommend enough - it's owned by a HS buddy of mine back in MI, and I'm now hosting all but one of my sites with him, and all of my clients sites. I will be moving my last domain over in Oct when my GoDaddy contract is up. The prices are cheap but best of all the performance is UNBEATABLE.