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Entertainment>A great performance!!
Gone Dave 07:09 AM 05-08-2009
You have heard of Oxford Circus, You've heard of Piccadilly Circus... But this is the ... This is by far one of the best DVD's available- Minus the howling YOKO:-):-)
adampc22 07:11 AM 05-08-2009
Originally Posted by Gone Dave:
You have heard of Oxford Circus, You've heard of Piccadilly Circus... But this is the ... This is by far one of the best DVD's available- Minus the howling YOKO:-):-)
u do know Oxford Circus and Piccadilly Circus are trian stations not circuses dont you ??? :-)
Gone Dave 07:16 AM 05-08-2009
Originally Posted by adampc22:
u do know Oxford Circus and Piccadilly Circus are trian stations not circuses dont you ??? :-)
I did not until a few years back, and I then was fortunate enough to visit your great country, Had a blast but puked on the London Eye:-)
adampc22 07:23 AM 05-08-2009
Originally Posted by Gone Dave:
I did not until a few years back, and I then was fortunate enough to visit your great country, Had a blast but puked on the London Eye:-)
lol i havetnt been to london in 12 years it to far for me to go so the london eye was grassland the last time i went lol