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Jokes>Kids Are Quick
Genetic Defect 10:52 AM 05-07-2009
TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North America .

MARIA: Here it is.

TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America ?

CLASS: Maria.


TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor?

JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables.


TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?'


TEACHER: No, that's wrong

GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it.


TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water?


TEACHER: What are you talking about?

DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O.


TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago.



TEACHER: Glen, why do you always get so dirty?

GLEN: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.


TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with 'I.'

MILLIE: I is..

TEACHER: No, Millie..... Always say, 'I am.'

MILLIE: All right... 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.'


TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him?

LOUIS: Because George still had the axe in his hand.


TEACHER: Now, Simon, tell me frankly, do you say prayers before eating?

SIMON: No sir, I don't have to, my Mom is a good cook.


TEACHER: Clyde , your composition on 'My Dog' is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his?

CLYDE : No, sir. It's the same dog.


TEACHER: Harold, what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?

HAROLD: A teacher
karmaz00 11:17 AM 05-07-2009
lol good one
lightning9191 11:17 AM 05-07-2009
adampc22 11:21 AM 05-07-2009
man that glen is a witty little git lol
WildBlueSooner 05:23 PM 05-07-2009
:-) Some of these are classic...I like the dog composition one!
Boss Hogg 06:39 PM 05-07-2009
These were pretty cute :-)
BMTA 07:12 PM 05-07-2009
Kids say the darnest things!
MedicCook 10:21 PM 05-07-2009
Some good ones in there.
skullnrose 10:36 PM 05-07-2009
Pretty funny ! You gotta love kids.
M1903A1 10:46 PM 05-07-2009
:-) I should forward those to my mom, the retired teacher.
wshan 12:00 AM 05-11-2009
One of my employees is getting ready to start teaching..I hope she doesn't get any students like that in her classes.
G G 09:19 PM 05-11-2009