Thanks every body!
I can say I already feel a differents, Getting up from laying down is the hardest part and I have to be careful how fast I move. I have pain pills that are only good for knocking me out and do nothing for pain. Sitting up for a few minutes takes a lot out of me and I start hurting But Swallowing is already getting better. I been eating a lot of ice pops.
I've learned one lesson from all this! Never get hurt at work and use worker comp! I been in pain for 6 months and it could have been only 2 if WC didn't have me jumping through hoops.
November 23rd 2008 was when I got hurt and may 7th 2009 is when I got fixed.
I just can't wait to have a nice smoke! LOL! I can't smoke until my wound heals.
Cheers! Thanks for the good karma you all gave me while I was being cut!