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General Discussion>Camp Eggers - Certificate of Appreciation
SoldierSupport 07:41 PM 04-29-2009
I just received a Certificate of Appreciation from a Airforce Capt. I send him care packages that he hands out to all at Camp Eggers. The are a a combined Security Transit Unit in Afghanistan.

The Certificate reads:

Presented to:

Soldier Support Project

For your outstanding support to the United States Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines supporting Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. Your contricutions to our cause ease the difficulties of being deployed far from home. Care packages from home, no matter how small, bring normality to an unfamiliar place. Your support will aid our cause of securing a lasting peace and freedom for the people of Afghanistan.

Thank you,

Click here to see the Certificate on my site or see attch. listed below:

Proud Supporter of the United States Military!

Jeff Jackson
Soldier Support Project

AD720 07:43 PM 04-29-2009
:-) Nice work Jeff!
SoldierSupport 07:50 PM 04-29-2009
Originally Posted by AD720:
:-) Nice work Jeff!
Thank you very much. I just ordered 105 lbs. of care package items from a wholesaler in Calif. The package will be split and sent to the 8 units next in line.

Also thank you for your support!

WildBlueSooner 09:56 PM 04-29-2009
Awesome...great work!
MedicCook 09:57 PM 04-29-2009
Nice work Jeff.
dubnick 09:57 PM 04-29-2009
Very Nice... What you do is extremely kind and always appreciated
SoldierSupport 12:29 PM 04-30-2009
Thank you and I just received and email request from a Marine stationed with: Joint Task Force Paladin - Afghanistan. He is with a mixed unit including (1) Marine "himself", Army and Airforce he stated and they are always looking for a cheer going to send some cigars and goodies to them.

One thing they are requesting is COFFEE so going to have to get some.
