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General Discussion>Now That's An Epitaph!
AllOGistics 08:37 AM 04-27-2009
I saw it on Digg this morning. At first, I thought it was photoshopped, but it looks to be accurate. Apparently, he was a notorious gunfighter.

SmokeyJoe 09:49 AM 04-27-2009
I'm from West Virginia...

The "He needed killin'" defense is still valid there. :-)

That headstone is in remarkable shape if it is truly that old. My :-) .
AllOGistics 10:05 AM 04-27-2009
That's what I thought too. According to the "all knowing" Wiki, it was added later. It doesn't say how much later. It's actually a second grave marker at the foot of the grave. This is assuming that the wiki article is accurate. Either way, it's still pretty funny.