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Jokes>Elf Name
CBI_2 12:16 AM 04-25-2009
Crystal's thread made look for this.

Dínendal Númenessë
WildBlueSooner 10:10 AM 04-25-2009
Lenwë Telrúnya
Savvy 10:51 AM 04-25-2009
Findecáno Elensar
Hardcz 08:48 AM 04-26-2009
Elessar Mithrandír
goalie204 09:10 AM 04-26-2009
M1903A1 09:54 AM 04-26-2009
Glorfindel Falassion.

And my Hobbit name (another linky on the site) is "Lotho Bleecker-Baggins of Fair Downs".
Wolfgang 11:37 PM 04-29-2009
Amrod Lissësúl
MedicCook 12:01 AM 04-30-2009
Círdan Vardamir