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Jokes>missing cigar
karmaz00 02:01 PM 04-23-2009
A man walks into a dimly lit bar and the bartender asks him "Why is the front of your shirt all bloody"

His customer answers in a slurred voice "My wife caught me with another woman and cut off my penis."

"Oh come on" replies the bartender.

The customer then says "If you don't believe me, I'll show you."

He proceeds to rifle through his suitcase and pulls out this long thin thing and lays it on the bar.

The bartender bends down and looks closely and says "Why this is just a cigar".

The customer looks puzzled and says "I have it here somewhere" and proceeds to fumble through his other pockets and comes up with another long thin thing and placing it on the bar, and says " See that".

The bartender again inspects it closely and says "You asshole that's just another cigar."

Now the customer staggers backward and steadies himself , leaning on the bar and with awareness in his shaky voice says "Son of a *****, I must have smoked it!"
WildBlueSooner 04:37 PM 04-23-2009
:-) that is sick!
wrench turner 85 04:45 PM 04-23-2009
wtf :-)
dunng 04:46 PM 04-23-2009
Sick! I like it! :-) :-) :-)
lightning9191 06:27 PM 04-23-2009
MedicCook 10:31 PM 04-23-2009
CBI_2 10:37 PM 04-24-2009
:-):-) And I've been called a sick puppy. :-)
kugie 11:02 PM 04-24-2009
Funny :-) :-)
Pat1075 11:05 PM 04-24-2009
:-) thats just wrong