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General Discussion>If you put something in the mail today....
Mr.Maduro 07:22 AM 04-22-2009 may get to S. Florida in time for Carlos' (Blueface) birthday. 4/24 :-)
Sailchaser 07:26 AM 04-22-2009
Smoooooth very Smooooooooth:-)
Mr.Maduro 07:11 AM 04-23-2009

Well now it may arrive a day after....but so what! :-)
SNKBYT 07:54 AM 04-23-2009
birthday bomb the hell outta him:-)
karmaz00 10:28 AM 04-23-2009
very nice
Blueface 04:39 PM 04-23-2009
Just saw this Patrick.
You are insane and nothing better be coming this way from you!!!

Let me peacefully and quietly ring in the big 5-0.
Heading out on a last minute Royal Caribbean cruise I booked on Tuesday for this weekend. At the last minute, remembered I needed to also include the wife.:-)

I just got a package today from my brother in law that contained a book.
It is called:
Sex after 50.
When I opened it, the entire book is blank.:-)

Looking forward to more pissing in my pants and using the bathroom blowers for what they were really intended for, dry my pants.:-)