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General Discussion>Conflicker Worm Virus
Conch Republican 09:20 AM 04-01-2009
My team is working on info for this, but it looks like all the major Anti-Virus companies have fixes for this (Symantec, McAfee, etc.)

Also this link might help as well:
AD720 09:27 AM 04-01-2009
Good post.

More useful info (including removal tools) here:
Conch Republican 09:30 AM 04-01-2009
Thanks Andrew
AD720 09:31 AM 04-01-2009
Originally Posted by Conch Republican:
Thanks Andrew
You are welcome. :-)

Over here it is so far so good. We have close to 150 machines...knock on wood.
Conch Republican 09:35 AM 04-01-2009
And for the record - the link is NOT a rickroll (for April Fool's sake) :-)
St. Lou Stu 10:02 AM 04-01-2009
As much hype as this has received, I'm looking at it like y2k all over again.

200 some odd desktops here and 25-30 servers..... all is well.
ahc4353 10:03 AM 04-01-2009
What does it do?
St. Lou Stu 10:09 AM 04-01-2009
I think it flicks con?

No one knows. That is why it is a buncha BS hype. There are dangerous virii out there every day, this one is just being associated with April fools day so the media is having a field day.

All my opinion, of course.
ChicagoWhiteSox 10:15 AM 04-01-2009
Was the virus going to do something today?
AD720 10:21 AM 04-01-2009
Originally Posted by ahc4353:
What does it do?

Originally Posted by St. Lou Stu:
I think it flicks con?

No one knows. That is why it is a buncha BS hype. There are dangerous virii out there every day, this one is just being associated with April fools day so the media is having a field day.

All my opinion, of course.
Like Stu said, no one really knows. But when you consider how large of a botnet it is (something like 8% of all the PCs in the world) there is some reason for concern. Really it is only going to affect far out of date systems.

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox:
Was the virus going to do something today?
If I understand it correctly today was the day that it was supposedly going to start recieving messages from those that control the botnet. Again, no one really knows.
ChicagoWhiteSox 10:25 AM 04-01-2009
So it was just sitting in the weeds waiting for a command. Usually viruses already have commands when sent out.
Conch Republican 10:38 AM 04-01-2009
Or as someone pointed out - it might be a big April Fools Day joke...but better safe than sorry as far as I am concerned (especially with 20,000+ computers not counting servers)

Have a cigar and some popcorn - and wait and see what happens :-)
ahc4353 10:41 AM 04-01-2009
I thought it bombed the hell out of you anonymously. I had that virus a week or so ago. :-)
Conch Republican 11:30 AM 04-01-2009
Yes you did!! :-):-):-)
357 11:32 AM 04-01-2009
850 servers, 15-20,000 PCs and no word of an outbreak. I'm pretty sure the Zero day patch Microsoft released in October prevented this vulnerability. I pulled an 18 hour day back then to make sure all 800+ servers were patched. Made it home at about 6AM the next day.