longknocker 04:33 AM 04-01-2009
Originally Posted by Tecnorobo:
Thrust is a great word.
Maybe I should change my cut to "CA's problem child"
except seanohue is younger than me. Can you believe that? I guess I'm growing up after all.
I like this picture better, Blake!
icehog3 09:17 AM 04-01-2009
I can’t seem to face up to the facts.
I’m tense and nervous and I... can’t relax.
I can’t sleep, cause my bed’s on fire.
Don’t touch me I’m a real live wire.
Psycho Killer
Qu'est-ce que c'est?
fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
Better run run run run run away
Whipper Snapper 10:22 AM 04-01-2009
Originally Posted by icehog3:
I can’t seem to face up to the facts.
I’m tense and nervous and I... can’t relax.
I can’t sleep, cause my bed’s on fire.
Don’t touch me I’m a real live wire.
Psycho Killer
Qu'est-ce que c'est?
fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa
Better run run run run run away
you uh... you implying something here Tom?
You know, one of my favorite things I did with you guys (not sure if anyone will remember) was make a star trek parody with crappy photo edits and all. Oh gosh. Perhaps I'm long overdue for episode two.
Blueface 11:37 AM 04-01-2009
Originally Posted by Tecnorobo:
I've known some of you inmates for four years. That's a pretty long time. Before you had the straight jackets forced on you, you were gorillas. Hard telling what you were before that. Either way, It's been a long run and I finally figured out why I'm so odd.
It's because some of you practically had a hand in raising me. I was 17 when I first met you all. You guys had a part in influencing me in my formative years. Just look at the end result!
You guys sure do know how to raise a teenager well!
Thanks for being my friend.
Holy crap!!!
Where did we go wrong?
What could we have done differently?
......and I mean that from the perspective that I can't tell if we improved him or he got worse.
Whipper Snapper 11:47 AM 04-01-2009
Originally Posted by Blueface:
Holy crap!!!
Where did we go wrong?
What could we have done differently?:-)
......and I mean that from the perspective that I can't tell if we improved him or he got worse.:-)
You guys are the ones to blame. All those tasty cigars many of you made me try sent me into a downward spiral.I went through a serious withdrawl when an episode of real life happened and I had to step away from the hobby for a while. Slowly my stash dwindled... and this is what happened!
I could've remained completely satasified with AF curly head deluxes, but no!
Now I'm on the slow road to recovery, having a cigar here and there, hoping that I never relapse into habano addiction. No college student should ever have to be put through such a torture!