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General Discussion>Favorite Firefox Add-Ons
rack04 07:19 AM 03-31-2009
Well I finally jumped on the Firefox bandwagon. While performing a search here I found someone had posted a add-on for tracking packages. I've found this to be a very useful add-on. I've been searching around trying to find other useful add-ons. Today I found Forex Currency Converter. I haven't used it yet but if it works it will save a lot of time. What are your favorite or most used Firefox add-ons?
Don Fernando 07:35 AM 03-31-2009
spell checker (Dutch)
Sawyer 07:42 AM 03-31-2009
AdBlock Plus and Flashblock are two must haves in my opinion.
Tripp 08:06 AM 03-31-2009
I'm an Opera user at home, but at work I'm stuck with Firefox. There are a couple of add-ons that I use, but most are just to make it perform a little more like Opera, mostly because i'm an efficiency geek.

Searchwords- Lets you attach a keyletter/word to any search engine, so instead of going to yahoo and searching for "cigars", you can just type "y cigars" in the address bar

Speed Dial - Whenever you open a new tab, you get a sort of "Top 9" of your bookmarked sites, so the sites you use most often are only a click away.

Firebug - This one is a must have for web developers. It allows you to dissect the code on pages, and dynamically make temporary changes to html and css to see what the result is.

IE Tabs - This is the only extension I use that isn't already integrated with Opera. It allows you to, at the click of a button, re-draw the page in whatever version of Internet Explorer you have, inside the Firefox tab. This is great for sites that still aren't fully functional in Firefox, or... as above, web developers.
Beer Doctor 08:11 AM 03-31-2009
bugmenot - it's for when sites require you to sign in to get a price or see certain things. It fills in a username and password that was set up by someone else specifically for this add on. Pretty nice if you don't want to sign up. Helps a lot in my industry where we can't see prices unless we sign in.
Mugen910 08:19 AM 03-31-2009
I like the IE tabs though I don't use them much...Spell checker and Mouse Gestures. :-)
tenbaseg 08:21 AM 03-31-2009
"Mile wide back" is my favorite add-on. You can click anywhere on the left side of your screen to go back a webpage.
ahc4353 08:23 AM 03-31-2009
Originally Posted by Tripp:
I'm an Opera user at home, but at work I'm stuck with Firefox. ...
I use Opera Mini for my BB. Could you PM me why you like the full version so much?


Sorry for the thread jack.

Continue on.
dunng 10:21 AM 03-31-2009
AuotFil Forms
Better Gmail2
Better YouTube
Gmail Notifier
PDF Download
Prospector 10:43 AM 03-31-2009
Daily Dilbert - links to comic strip-of-the-day for Dilbert and several other comics. Totally non-productivity enhancing, but fun.
ucubed 11:41 AM 03-31-2009
Oh if you don't have the beta version of Firefox, it's really nice, it has anonymous browsing like Google Chrome (which is also a very nice browser). I have IE, Chrome, and 2 verisons of Firefox installed in case the beta goes awry. Though it doesn't have some updates on some add-ons.

Fasterfox (in changes of your firefox config files so browsing is a bit faster, though you can do it manually like I did on this beta version of firefox)

FoxyProxy (let's you add proxies and switch between them)
Greasemonkey - helps with scripts
IE tabs - lets you open IE tabs in Firefox
Download helper - easier to download things like youtube videos or hidden things you can't find download button for
adblock plus -
ctrl-tab - just a cool thing for tab browsing
clipmarks - similar to MACS ability to save paragraphs as an image or whatever
download status bar - the download bar is too big, this makes it smaller
firebug - for bugs
tab mix plus - also a tab browsing thing
smokeyandthebandit05 11:44 AM 03-31-2009
The only one I use is FoxyTunes cause it allows me to control Itunes from the tool bar on the screen.

I'll have to check out that fasterfox
Jay Hemingway 12:50 PM 03-31-2009
still never checked out this firefox.

is it free?

if anyone knows alot about it and can give me some info, please pm me.

i would like to try something new, besides IE. i mean IE is nice and i love the tabs.

just hear about firefox all the time and would like to know what the buzz is really aboot.

smokeyandthebandit05 06:33 PM 03-31-2009
FireFox is amazing. It had tabs before IE and is way faster. FF is the only browser I ever use now
uncballzer 07:16 PM 03-31-2009
There's some above that I'll add here below (along with my others)--I love extensions, especially the ones that make me faster and more efficient in my browsing. Since the upgrade to FF3, I've had to go out of the normal addon website to upgrade my extensions that didn't work thru the upgrade.

One, is snap links--it allows you to use right click to draw a box around multiple links and it'll open all the "major" links within that box (for example--it opens all the main links in a google search, but leaves out the smaller links underneath the main link). Had to go outside the main addon page, but I've got a link to it--this extension makes it easy as hell opening multiple tabs from links in the "today's posts" search without having to click on each one. I can't live without this extension.

Foxy tunes--I removed this one a while ago because of a glitch in one of it's features--it keep a link to it in facebook that would get in the way of text boxes--annoying, but great nontheless.

Add bookmark here--adds a "add Bookmark here" to your book mark folders and options for details, like not opening the properties box each time you add a new BM. You can set this to the top of the bar, so with one click, a slight move of the mouse, and another click, and you've got a bookmark.

Better Gmail --from preferences for gmail (they also have one for google reader and calendar).

Close button--this is another I had to search from the upgrade--it's not what I had before (back is close--changed the back button to a "close tab X" when there was no more pages to go back to in the tab), but it works well--stand alone button in the toolbar.

DownthemAll--wonderful if you want to download multiple things from a site--for example, mp3s from a directory..........

Errorzilla--if a tab/page not loaded opens--it gives a few extra options than just the reload button.

Fast dail or speed dial--another lifesafer. When you open a blank tab, it shows boxes which you can save links in them to your most used or favorite sites.

faviconize tab--can shorten tabs, allowing more on the tab bar, or if you keep tabs open all the time, gives more space.

Flashblock--another musthave; blocks flashes from opening (used this on the "other site" to stop that video at the bottom from starting during the merger).

Greasemonkey--hard to explain, but you can get scripts that changes things on webpages to more in your favor. Don't use a lot of scripts anymore, but some are very helpful, and they are always there and change things for you--you really forget what scripts you have cause you think it's part of the natural/original page code after using it for a while.

IE tabs--what someone said above; opens a tab as Internet Explorer (for those damn programmers that won't use other browsers for their web development).

Nightly tester tools--hard to explain, but if you upgrade, and your favorite extensions are upgraded to the changes yet and are disabled, will try to override their disablement and try to make them work.

Tab mix plus--allows you to change nearly every detail about tabs. worth looking into.

Undo closed tabs--close that tab and you forgot exactly where you were at? Don't go into history and get frustrated trying to find where you were at--just hit this button.

Uppity--one I don't use a lot, but it reloads a page up a directory when hit: ex: the button and goes to

xmarks--another recent one started to use, but allows you to sync your bookmarks between multiple computers (and passwords if you want it too). Nice so far (it's the upgrade from foxmarks).

Now, for something completely different--bookmarklets. These act like extensions, but without the memory hog, and hit them when you want to do something specific that it does. There are hundreds out there--one I use very often is "share on facebook." I hit it, and it opens a page for me to submit a post to facebook (what is now as a publication on facebook) of the current page I'm viewing. There's a lot more with very nice features, but I just got a lot of them and haven't incorporated most of them into my use yet. I can post/PM links to a boatload of these if you wish.

Where I first got turned on to a lot of!!!!!! (I love this site, and have it feeding into RSS, just like this site--read all main posts daily).
ucla695 09:00 PM 03-31-2009
Oooh. I'm going to have to check out these add-ons. I love the spell checker! :-)
rMcSmokesAlot 10:23 PM 03-31-2009
Greasemonkey is the $h1t!
karmaz00 10:28 PM 03-31-2009
i just switched a few days ago
smokeyandthebandit05 07:09 AM 04-01-2009
Originally Posted by rMcSmokesAlot:
Greasemonkey is the $h1t!

Ya know I got greasemonkey and forgot about it. I have no clue how to work the damn thing