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General Discussion>A Sea of Yellow and Green
Starscream 04:38 PM 03-29-2009
I hate allergy season. You can see the green/yellow pollen all through the air. The streets are yellow, the cars are yellow, and the drainage ditches have green/yellow water in them. My eyes are all puffy, I'm having a sneezing fit, and my throat is raspy. I hate allergy season. Pine pollen sucks.:-)
jonharky 04:40 PM 03-29-2009
Sorry to hear that it could be worse though you can have 60 degrees and then the next day snow here in Michigan. Man that messes with your system. Hope you feel better though
Starscream 06:40 AM 03-30-2009
I can't even enjoy a smoke now due to this pollen everywhere. I see yellow/green everywhere.