Smoke Naked 11:27 AM 03-29-2009
I was on the hunt for bead holders and s15driftking (bobby) pointed me in the right direction. While looking through the Container Store sight I found some stackable mahogany trays that would be perfect for my footlocker with a little drilling for some airflow. My question is, can/should this type of mahogany be used as an insert or not. The description says it has a clear matte acrylic finish, so would that mean it won't absorb moisture?
tobii3 11:31 AM 03-29-2009
um.....looking at those prices, why don't you just get the spanish cedar trays??
Smoke Naked 11:34 AM 03-29-2009
the dimensions of the trays aren't quite what I was looking for, for my application particularly. The question was just mainly about using this type of mahogany instead of the spanish cedar variety
ChasDen 07:50 PM 03-29-2009
Short answer, they will not hurt anything but will not help anything either.
Smoke Naked 08:23 PM 03-29-2009
Originally Posted by ChasDen:
Short answer, they will not hurt anything but will not help anything either.
thank you