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Discussion>How do you store your open tins?
petewho 01:42 PM 03-25-2009
I only smoke about once or twice per week. So my three open tins have been open since December and they're starting to get dry.

I like the idea of having about three tins going at the same time for some variety, but TOO dry of baccy is no fun.

How do you address this?

Right now I have them triple-ziplocked, but even at that they're getting a little too dry.
yellowgoat 01:55 PM 03-25-2009
Bag always works for me. Maybe you can just buy a few small jars and transfer the baccy in them. Have you sucked the air out of the bags?
Sr Mike 01:58 PM 03-25-2009
Just like cigars; I put all my open and unopen pipe tobacco in a cooler with beads.
petewho 02:10 PM 03-25-2009
I squeeze the air out as much as I can.

Sr Mike - what % beads do you use?
Whee 02:13 PM 03-25-2009
I keep mine in a tupperware container with one or two of the little humi-disks. If they get too dry, I put a disk in the tin and in a few days, we're good to go.
DrDubzz 02:18 PM 03-25-2009
I just close em up, and I might put them in a baggy, but the McClelland/Pease type tins seems to hold moisture just fine

the all metal types, not as well, but ok as long as you plan to smoke them fairly soon
petewho 02:20 PM 03-25-2009
Originally Posted by RX2010:
the all metal types, not as well, but ok as long as you plan to smoke them fairly soon
That's my problem. I need to smoke more often. Need more hours in the day!
Sawyer 02:25 PM 03-25-2009
WWhermit 04:59 PM 03-25-2009

These are foolproof. I never store opened tobacco in the tins anymore, since the "Penzance Disaster."

I always jar my opened tobacco. I have about 12 different "opened" tobaccos that I'm currently working through, some of them open over a year, and very experienced only the very minimum of dryness by using the small mason jars shown above.

Sr Mike 05:15 PM 03-25-2009
Originally Posted by petewho:
I squeeze the air out as much as I can.

Sr Mike - what % beads do you use?
I use 65% beads, it keeps my open tobacco from drying out. I have noticed that a fresh tin of tobacco is way too moist, this also helps keep it from drying too quickly. I can keep tobacco around for a longer time after opening.

Where I live the outside humidity is about 10%, I did not want to ruin all my tobacco and I was buying more in bags than I could smoke, so I tossed it all in a cooler. It works for me. I do not know what the ideal conditions are for pipe tobacco. What I do know is my flakes of Stonehaven, for example, I keep in a ziplock bag smoked beautifully last week and was not muddy tasting because of all the moisture that was in it when I first purchased the stuff almost 16 months ago.

About two years ago I did have a bag of tobacco grow mold when I had the cooler at 70%. I cut it down and never had a problem since.
TheJ 08:42 PM 03-25-2009
Originally Posted by Sawyer:
:-) My OCD keeps me from switching to any other brand jar but this one.

Just a note. The 4oz jar is great to pack in 2oz of tobacco. Same goes for 8oz jars for 4oz of tobacco. Never needed a larger jar than that. I figured if I did start buying by the pound I'd split it up among 4 8oz jars.
Savor the Stick 10:25 PM 03-25-2009
I need to pick up some of these jars....I am starting to get quite a collection.
TheJ 12:10 AM 03-26-2009
Originally Posted by TheJ:
:-) My OCD keeps me from switching to any other brand jar but this one.

Just a note. The 4oz jar is great to pack in 2oz of tobacco. Same goes for 8oz jars for 4oz of tobacco. Never needed a larger jar than that. I figured if I did start buying by the pound I'd split it up among 4 8oz jars.

Correction. The 8oz jars are the small ones and the Pints are the larger ones.


TheJ 12:17 AM 03-26-2009
I picked up another pack of jars on the way home. I find I'm more likely to TAD if I already have somewhere to store them. I've got 3 pints and 5 8oz jars that need to be filled. I smoke less and less these days, but the desire to have a lifetimes smoke at my disposal, should I no longer have the right to buy, drives me. Hopefully that shouldn't matter now that I have 162 tobacco plants starting to sprout in the greenhouse. 9 varieties. Still no clue on drying, curing, and aging, but free is free.
Sr Mike 12:50 PM 03-26-2009
Originally Posted by TheJ:
Correction. The 8oz jars are the small ones and the Pints are the larger ones.


:-):-):-) Wow!!
Sawyer 01:08 PM 03-26-2009
Originally Posted by TheJ:
Correction. The 8oz jars are the small ones and the Pints are the larger ones.
Yep. The small 8 oz jars are perfect for a single tin's worth of tobacco.
Mister Moo 01:21 PM 03-26-2009
:-) (the jar guys)

1. Put suitably moistened tobak in a clean canning jar; and
2. screw the lid down.
3. When you need the tobacco in coming years, open the jar and take it out; then
4. screw the lid back down tight.
5. A little leftover spaghetti-smell ghosting from a lid does not screw up virginia tobacco as bad as leftover latakia smell in a briar. Trust me on this.

You just can't beat an 8- or 16-oz jam jar with a stick.
WWhermit 12:59 AM 03-27-2009
Originally Posted by TheJ:
I picked up another pack of jars on the way home. I find I'm more likely to TAD if I already have somewhere to store them. I've got 3 pints and 5 8oz jars that need to be filled. I smoke less and less these days, but the desire to have a lifetimes smoke at my disposal, should I no longer have the right to buy, drives me. Hopefully that shouldn't matter now that I have 162 tobacco plants starting to sprout in the greenhouse. 9 varieties. Still no clue on drying, curing, and aging, but free is free.
There is an excellent series of videos on youtube regarding growing, drying, curing, pressing, aging tobacco. In this case he did it for RYO cigarettes, but it was excellent nonetheless. I forget the name of the series, but search around, I'm sure there's more than one out there.

TheJ 01:17 AM 03-27-2009
Originally Posted by WWhermit:
There is an excellent series of videos on youtube regarding growing, drying, curing, pressing, aging tobacco. In this case he did it for RYO cigarettes, but it was excellent nonetheless. I forget the name of the series, but search around, I'm sure there's more than one out there.

Thanks for the suggestion. youtube is a great source for information that's come through plenty of times.